Freedom and Discipline

Thoughts & Reflections

Freedom and Discipline are powerful words. They can elicit emotional reactions. They have personal and historical significance to individuals and nations. They are integral to the Montessori classroom. Sometimes, one of these qualities is viewed as ALL of Montessori. As in, Montessori, oh that’s that school where children do whatever they want all day. Or, […]

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The Origins of Discipline

Thoughts & Reflections

Discipline has a very punitive connotation in our society. The origins of the term, however, are much different. Discipline derives from the latin, discipulus, which literally means, “to learn”. Disciple, of course, has a very different intimation than discipline, especially in our contemporary landscape. With disciple comes thoughts of, ‘instruction, teaching, learning, knowledge’: basically, a […]

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Freedom and Discipline

Thoughts & Reflections

How does Montessori address freedom and discipline? Without rewards or punishments, and with a focus on collaboration instead of competition, how does Montessori handle the issue of discipline, or conflict resolution? Believe it or not, disicpline is not really an issue in Montessori classrooms. Why? Because the prepared environment, with an emphasis on community, instead […]

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Montessori and Discipline

Thoughts & Reflections

The famous British philosopher Bertrand Russell describes the Montessori approach to discipline, in his book “On Education”. Here’s Russell, in 1926: “I had always understood that Madame Montessori dispensed with discipline, and I had wondered how she managed a roomful of children. On reading her own account of her methods, I found that discipline still […]

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Montessori & The Olympics

Thoughts & Reflections

Baan Dek · Episode 122 – Montessori & The Olympics The Olympics are coming up, which is one of the few sporting events I watch. I look forward to them, have them set to record, it’s a whole thing. They’re fantastic to watch with children, too. As a general rule Montessori doesn’t really encourage children […]

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