100 Favorites
Other Good Things
The Zine is hitting a milestone — 100 issues! To celebrate, we’re sharing one hundred of our favorites (in no particular order). Enjoy!
- Our Team
- Creativity
- Podcasts
- Our mascot, London
- Mr. Rogers
- Big conversations
- Uno
- Questions from around the world
- The beginning of the school year
- Witty tee shirts
- Shape Work
- Ice cream social on the last day of school
- Sioux Falls
- Lunch together on inservice days
- The Montessori Notebook
- The worldwide Montessori community
- Fall
- Fuzzco
- The Montessori Toddler
- Former students who come back to visit
- Brand new Montessorians
- Cuddle and Kind
- Fjallraven
- Blocks
- Peonies
- Gonge Riverstones
- Spring
- Baan Dek Swag
- Midwest Montessori
- Seeing others thrive
- The Spotlight Series on the blog
- Baking
- Letter work
- Sitting in the sun
- Chooze
- Friday Morning Staff Meetings
- Magnatiles
- Donuts
- Bees
- Sharp pencils
- Amazon
- Taking Charge
- Tea clothing
- Birthdays
- Girl Scout cookies
- Brené Brown
- Our Building Blocks of Life posters
- Taboo
- Summer
- Legos
- Naps
- New notebooks
- The Montessori Company
- Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings
- Winter
- The search for the perfect pen
- Oballs
- Zoe Paul from Studio Montessori
- Tegu Magnetic Wooden Blocks
- Team building activities
- An orderly space
- Map Work
- Continuing education
- Blue Bottle Coffee
- A good filing system
- Reading
- See Kai Run Shoes
- Our students and their families
- Philosophy
- Textured balls
- Birkenstock sandals
- Color coding
- The perfect tray
- Starbucks Fridays
- She Persisted
- Number Work
- Bento box style lunchboxes
- Hearing someone read for the first time
- Hearing someone read as though they’ve always done it
- Walks
- Movies
- Strider bikes
- Gardening in the summer
- Swings
- Squares and other shapes
- Child-sized anything
- Plae shoes
- My First Book of Patterns
- That clean smell
- Playgrounds with climbing walls
- Zutano booties
- Public libraries
- Sprout Kids
- Fun facts
- Reusable water bottles
- Tiny objects
- Floor beds
- Rainbow stackers
- Melissa & Doug
- Montessori in the news
(are you subscribed to the Zine? Subscribe here!)
Written by:
Charlotte Snyder