Bobby George and Jamie Bauer sit down to have a conversation on toddlers. They talk, more specifically, about what the toddler classroom looks like, how it works, and why it is so special. They also touch upon how to prepare children to transition to the primary classroom, and why we, as a society, still have so […]
It’s often hard to get to where conversations naturally lead, but we thought we would give it a try, with our first podcast at Baan Dek. Bobby George and Charlotte Wood sat down to chat about the role Montessori plays in education. The starting point was a quote from Jean-Marie Guyau: “Through seeing others smile, […]
In advance of the podcast, we had formulated the direction of our conversation thus. Q: Maria Montessori proposes, in The Secret of Childhood, that the ‘creative urge of life’ is, essentially, love. She has a peculiar phrase for this particular articulation: she names it an “intelligence of love”. Later, in The Absorbent Mind, Montessori posits […]
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