Baan Dek

Celebrate Independence

Thoughts & Reflections

The cycle of a family at Baan Dek is a wonderful thing. In many respects, it feels like watching a caterpillar become a butterfly and spread its beautiful wings. From the moment we meet a prospective family, to the instant their child graduates from our school, we feel that sense of adventure, of participation, as we try our best to support them in their efforts to realize their potential and embark upon new journeys.

Few things give us greater pleasure than watching a child celebrate their independence, and the love of a family as they carefully foster those ideals. While many of us grew up literally counting the days until school would end, we try our hardest not to count at all. We received this letter from a family who has been with us for over six years. May they fly where the wind carries them.


Dear June and Bobby,

Last May, I mentioned to June that the generosity of Julia’s parents enabled the girls to spend most of the summer in Moscow this year. They are enjoying grandparents’ undivided attention plus many of the amenities that Moscow offers to children their age. While enjoying solitude, I have been trying to catch up with the proverbial “honey do” list, and now attempting to write an overdue note to you.

Actually my intention is to express to you, in a most candid and sincere way, the gratitude that Julia and I feel for the successful completion of Maria’s three year education at Baan Dek. It is unquestionable for us that Maria is prepared to take over the challenges of the “unknown” at the public school system. We believe that you and your staff have equipped Maria’s brain and soul to respond effectively to a structured and standardized method of educating children. My purpose here is not to vilify public school teachers; their commitment to excellence is laudable given the scarcity of resources that they experience and the political undercurrents they have to endure in a system that has become an end in itself.

Baan Dek

Also, we strongly believe that Baan Dek imprinted in Anna and Maria a global perspective of society, so urgently needed in the minds and hearts of future citizens.

“ Baan Dek provides a microcosmic community where individuality, mutuality, and interdependence are practiced in an atmosphere of authenticity, empathy and respect. ”

This is very important to us who reap regularly the benefits of multiculturalism in our own extended family. In my professional opinion, public education prepares children to be productive citizens of our beloved country; at Baan Dek Montessori, Anna and Maria acquired values and behavioral patterns that equipped them to be citizens of the world of which our beloved country is a part.

As parents, we experienced Baan Dek Montessori as a learner-centered community where teachers lead by example. From the moment of arrival each child begins to learn how to learn and parents are exposed to the positive contributions that their children’s uniqueness brings to social interaction. Of this educational leadership style you are the epitome; evidently you impose upon yourselves a rigorous process when choosing faculty and staff.

Please, know that Julia and I are grateful beyond utterance for allowing Maria to complete the three year cycle of Montessori education at Baan Dek, and making Anna and Maria the carriers of your values, your commitment to learn and your inclusive love for humanity.

Donoso Escobar

Written by:

Bobby George

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