A Few Tips on Drop-Off
Thoughts & Reflections
We’re often asked, by parents and members of the community alike, “How can I ensure a smooth drop-off for my child? Are there any tips and tricks, or helpful advice that we can employ?”
In response to these questions, we wrote a little blog post about how to transition to school, but thought we would take this opportunity to address another component to this equation: the pick up.
Of course, picking up your child after school can be just as important as dropping your child off for school. Here are a few insights that we’ve gathered over the years. We hope you find them useful.
These are many of the same recommendations you’ll find in Montessori parent handbooks throughout the world, but we’ve added a few additions and twists.
1. First, we recommend that you ensure a prompt and cheerful pick up. Lengthy pick ups can cause confusion and unease, and disrupt the other students in the classroom.
2. Second, greet your child respectfully. They’re, of course, excited to see you, but meet their enthusiasm with calm and passion. Speak softly and encourage normal behavior.
3. Third, while you are with your child, provide them with your full and undivided attention. We recommend that you are not on the phone during this time, as it is very disruptive for your child.
4. Fourth, ensure that you arrive to pick up your child in a timely fashion. Tardiness can cause anxiety for children. If you’re running late, be sure to notify us, so we can inform your child.
5. Fifth, and a carry over from the drop-off post, ensure that you keep your child apace of any changes in their routine. If there is a change, let them know, explain the situation and offer reassurance.
6. Sixth, it’s always nice to hear about your child’s day. Trying asking them some open ended questions. “Would you like to tell me how your day was?” Try to avoid judgements, praise and rewards.
7. Lastly, if you have comments, questions, or concerns about your child, please schedule an appointment to discuss rather than speaking in front of them. They’re highly aware of the conversation.
We hope you found this post on a few tips on drop-off helpful. Let us know what you’d like to read about. Send us an email at: hello@baandek.org.
Written by:
Baan Dek