In a Montessori classroom, a directress gives presentations. These are individual instructions conducted with a student. As demonstrated in the video above, the directress will introduce the child to the material and establish the nature of the process. Then, when the directress has finished the presentation, they will remove themselves from the situation so that […]
Kevin Kelly, the founding executive editor of Wired Magazine, published an interesting article in The New York Times Magazine special issue on education and technology. The title of the article is, “Homeschooling for the Techno Literate“. Kelly describes, with an incredible degree of accuracy, his decision to homeschool his eighth grade son and the type of activities they […]
At the Third International Arakawa and Gins: Architecture and Philosophy Conference, a definition of play was articulated by the philosopher Erin Manning. Manning, most recently the author of Relationscapes: Movement, Art and Philosophy, defined “play” as “the practice of practicing”. Now, we think this is the most suitable definition of “play” that we have heard, at least since Montessori […]
Sewing a button: Montessori students learn a number of unique, practical and challenging tasks in the primary classroom, one of which is, most certainly, how to sew a button. Yes, how to sew a button! Materials: Thread, needle, fabric, scissors and a button. Aim: To sew a button. Results: Fine motor control, the development of […]
We have a lovely story that we wanted to share. These stories are pretty commonplace in Montessori classrooms throughout the world. Yet, they serve to highlight just how Montessori allows children the opportunity to follow their own interests, without interrupting their thought processes. On a Thursday afternoon, after paper clippings from a scissors activity were […]
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